  1. Manufacturer Serial Number Identifier Search

What Is a Serial Number? A serial number is a unique identifier assigned to a device during the manufacturing process.

It’s not necessarily a number—serial numbers can contain letters and symbols as well as numbers. One device’s serial number may look like “123456”, while another device’s may look like “ABC123!@#”. This number may also be identified as a “S/N” on the device. Cara instal printer epson l120. This unique identifier allows the manufacturer to differentiate between devices that are otherwise completely identical. So, when you need warranty service, a manufacturer can identify that you have a unique device that isn’t a counterfeit and verify it hasn’t already received warranty service.

A serial number is a unique identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to an item, to uniquely identify it. Serial numbers need not be strictly numerical. They may contain letters and other typographical symbols, or may consist entirely of a character string. Understand your mac serial number, enter your mac's serial number here. Users lookup laptop info 3x more than desktop info and 5x more than iOS info. Maze runner 3 watch online. Percentage of iPhone 8 devices contain logic boards with a manufacturing defect.