1. Five Classes Of Drugs Chart
  2. List Of Drug Classes
Five Classes Of Drugs

Five Classes Of Drugs Chart

Alkylating Agents Alkylating agents are most active in the resting phase of the cell. These types of drugs are cell-cycle non-specific. There are several types of alkylating agents used in chemotherapy treatments: • Mustard gas derivatives: Mechlorethamine, Cyclophosphamide, Chlorambucil, Melphalan, and Ifosfamide.

• Ethylenimines: Thiotepa and Hexamethylmelamine. • Alkylsulfonates: Busulfan. • Hydrazines and Triazines: Altretamine, Procarbazine, Dacarbazine and Temozolomide. • Nitrosureas: Carmustine, Lomustine and Streptozocin.

Drugs can be classified into different categories based on their chemical ingredients and their effects on users. Here are the five main categories and some. All of these drugs are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The HIV medicines are listed according to drug class and identified by generic and brand names. Click on a drug name to view information on the drug from the AIDSinfo Drug Database.

Nitrosureas are unique because, unlike most types of chemo treatments, they can cross the blood-brain barrier. They can be useful in treating brain tumors. • Metal salts: Carboplatin, Cisplatin, and Oxaliplatin.

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Plant Alkaloids Plant alkaloids are chemotherapy treatments derived made from certain types of plants. The vinca alkaloids are made from the periwinkle plant (catharanthus rosea).

List Of Drug Classes

The taxanes are made from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree (taxus). The vinca alkaloids and taxanes are also known as antimicrotubule agents. The podophyllotoxins are derived from the May apple plant. Camptothecan analogs are derived from the Asian 'Happy Tree' (Camptotheca acuminata).