– Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing utama yang dipelajari di Indonesia. Bahasa Inggris sudah dipelajari sejak duduk di bangku sekolah dasar. Hal pertama yang dipelajari tentang Bahasa Inggris di tingkat ini adalah kosakata (vocabulary). Youtube to mp3 converter.

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Soal Bahasa Inggris

Contoh soal bahasa inggris smaInggris

Di kelas 4 SD, para siswa tidak hanya menambah kosakata, namun belajar mengenai grammar sederhana. Berikut adalah soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 1. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, c, or d. This text is for questions number 1 – 5. Parts of Our body Our body is separated into three main parts.

They are head, body, and legs. On the head, we have hair, forehead, two eyebrows, two eyes, one nose, two cheeks, one mouth, lips, tongue, teeth, two ears, one chin, and one neck. Jaan translation. Lyrics We use eyes to see something. We use mouth to eat something. We use nose for smelling something. We use ears to hear something. On our body, we have shoulders, chest, and stomach.

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris

We have some organs inside our body, such as heart, liver, lungs, intestine, etc. We also have two hands and two legs. There are ten fingers in our both hands and ten toes in our both legs.

Contoh paper bahasa inggris

We use hands to hold something and legs to walk, run, or kick something. How many main parts are there on our body? One main part b. Two main parts c. Three main parts d. Four main parts.